ONBOARD001 - Onboarding your company overview
ONBOARD002 - Quick start - Completing your company profile
ONBOARD003 - Registration flow for new companies
FUND001 - How to fund your company wallets
FUND002 - Fund wallets with a bank transfer - with or without invoice
FUND003 - Fund wallets using bank debits
TRANSFER001 - Company wallet transfer options
TRANSFER002 - Company - transfer funds to a bank account
TRANSFER003 - Company - transfer to a prepaid virtual Visa or Mastercard
ADDL001 - Company dashboard
ADDL002 - Standard company reports
ADDL003 - Company beneficiary management
BENE001 - Beneficiary companies - FAQ
BENE002 - Beneficiary companies - Which account type do I need?
BENE003 - Beneficiary companies - Requesting user access to your company account
Email Alerts (3)
All the automated emails that go out from XTRM