Additional Features

ADDL001 - Company dashboard
Payments Dashboard You can view every credit and debit transaction in a high level of detail. In addition, the dashboard allows you to monitor and track ev...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2024 at 8:15 AM
ADDL002 - Company reporting documents
XTRM offers a wide range of standard reports that you can view online or download as raw data for integration with other systems or software. Each repo...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 8:14 AM
ADDL003 - Company beneficiary management
Managing Your Beneficiaries (e.g., customers or partners) As you payout to companies and individuals, they are automatically added to your "Benefic...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2024 at 8:25 AM
ADDL004 - Company claims processing
Companies - Payment Claims Processing XTRM allows custom claim forms from external systems to create claims records in your account for any payment clai...
Tue, 16 May, 2023 at 9:17 PM
ADDL005 - Setting specific email alerts for users
Alert emails are specific to users and apply only to wallets they have access to. These alerts can be set by the users themselves or by the master admin, co...
Wed, 3 Jul, 2024 at 8:30 AM