To ensure your payments get processed quickly, it is important to keep your wallet balances positive. If they drop to zero, then processing will be paused until they are replenished. 

Follow these steps to set low balance alerts on any of your wallets:

  1.  Click "Wallets" from the left menu
  2.  Click the "Activity" button on the wallet you want to set the low balance alert 

      3. Click "Edit" found next to "Low Balance Alert" message 

      4. Set the amount and click "Save

Continue the process by selecting which User(s) will receive the low wallet balance email alerts:

  1. Click the settings cog or the ellipsis (three dots) in the top far right corner of the screen.
  2. Click the "Email Alerts" button
  3. Select the User for whom you want to turn on this email alert
  4. Proceed to "Select Wallet" which has the alert set on  
  5. Turn the "Low Account Balance alert" to ON for the selected User

Note: You can view a sample of the email by clicking on the alert email code link "COMP017" see below