Only payees with a physical address in the USA are eligible.
You have the option to transfer funds via a bank check, payable to any designated company or individual. Ensure that the physical address provided is valid.
1. Transfer funds and select "Bank Check"
2. Select either email or mobile to receive the security code.
3. Enter the security code and click "Transfer" to complete the transfer.
4. After the transaction is completed, you will be directed to the wallet where the successful transaction will be displayed.
Send funds payable to company(s) or individual(s)
1. Click "Send" and select "Direct to Check" from the Payment method field to make a payment to a company or individual using via bank check
Example of an "Advanced Send" payable to a company
2. Search for the company name or email. If the company exists, you can add them. If their address is not listed, they will need to log into to update their mailing address. Continue completing the steps from 3 through 6.
3. After the transaction is completed, you will be directed to the wallet where the successful transaction will be displayed.
Note: Direct to check transactions are posted to the company or individual's wallet as a credit and immediately debited.
Checks will be mailed via USPS and can take from 3 to 10 days to arrive and look like this:
Real Example: